Our Offer

We understand the challenges that social movements and their infrastructure face in a world often resistant to change. From censorship and financial restraints to misinformation campaigns and legal hurdles, there are substantial obstacles that undermine their efforts. For over 50 years, the Pluto name has stood firm in defending free expression and amplifying those on the front lines of advocacy and activism.  

Building on this history we want to contribute to a more resilient ecosystem, providing a safe haven for emerging projects. In recent years PET has gained significant experience incubating and hosting  two exciting and important education projects, The Decolonial Centre and the Ameena Gafoor Institute. 

PET is committed to utilising this experience, its resources and networks to support initiatives, providing them with the space and time to develop their strategy, secure funding and take risks . Our goal is to provide tools and support for a new generation so they can build the projects and institutions needed to carry on the struggle for decades to come.

At the same time we see incubation as a collaboration and are keen to build funding and organisational partnerships to develop this area of work and support new initiatives over the coming years. 

If your organisation or fund might be interested in collaborating on an incubation partnership please contact: cclarke@plutoeducationaltrust.org

Financial Support and Governance

  • Seed funding and cash flow support

  • Guidance and oversight to ensure robust governance structures

Safe Development Environment

  • Access to a secure and supportive environment to stress test and refine your project.

  • Opportunities to build and strengthen the organisation in a safe setting.

Funding and Networking Connections

  • Facilitated connections with potential funders to secure additional financial support.

  • Access to networks associated with Pluto Educational Trust, including Pluto Press and Pluto Journals.

Expertise and Strategic Support

  • Access to our dedicated staff team for strategic guidance and support.

  • Consultation with expert trustees specialising in fundraising, governance, and movement-building.

Book Production and Publication 

  • Our network has in-house publishing capabilities and can produce books tailored to your project's needs and vision. Whether it's books, zines, research publications, or movement-building literature, our team can support your project