African Publishing

African Publishing is a new collaboration between PET, Pluto Journals and African Books Collective (ABC), an African owned, worldwide marketing and distribution outlet for books from Africa. PET is teaming up with ABC, acting as a fiscal host for a grant to increase its representation at international book fairs, recruit new publishers, engage in further cultural outreach and improve its marketing and digital communications.

African Books Collective was established over 30 years ago as a collective non-profit organisation by African publishers to make their books available outside the countries of original publication. It supplies the books of over 150 publishers from the African continent including literary, academic and children’s book publishers and titles in multiple languages. 

ABC’s core ethos is supporting African publishers and promoting African publishing and writing. It believes that literature is empowering for personal and cultural development in any society, and that this is particularly so in societies and/or languages that have suffered the consequences of marginalisation or oppression whether because of colonialism, apartheid, war, displacement or severe economic disadvantage. As part of this mission it remits 50% of net income from book sales back to African publishers.